Displaying all 415 publications.


Investigating students’ meaning-making of multiple visual representations of epigenetics at different levels of biological organisation

Thyberg Annika, Schönborn Konrad, Gericke Niklas
doi: 10.1080/09500693.2023.2289175
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Science Education
volume: issue: starpage: 1 endpage: 27

Investigating students’ meaning-making of multiple visual representations of epigenetics at different levels of biological organization

Thyberg Annika, Schönborn Konrad, Gericke Niklas
doi: 10.1080/09500693.2023.2289175
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Science Education
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Supporting Astrophysical Visualization with Sonification

Gorenko Ivar, Besançon Lonni, Forsell Camilla, Rönnberg Niklas
doi: 10.2312/evp.20241091
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Sneaked references: Fabricated reference metadata distort citation counts

Besançon Lonni, Cabanac Guillaume, Labbe Cyril, Magazinov Alexander
doi: 10.1002/asi.24896
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Towards defining success factors for school visits to digital science centers

Göransson Andreas C., Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Towards defining success factors for school visits to digital science centers

Göransson Andreas C., Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Visualizing the abyss of time : Students’ interpretation of visualized deep evolutionary time

Stenlund Jörgen
doi: 10.3384/9789179295967
publication type: Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning

Visualizing the abyss of time : Students’ interpretation of visualized deep evolutionary time

Stenlund Jörgen
doi: 10.3384/9789179295967
publication type: Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning

Effect of the Rings: A Visual Story Design Comparing Three Chemical Characters

Pokojná Hana, Rasheed Farhan, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-41652-1_6
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Approaches for Science Illustration and Communication
publisher: Springer starpage: 133 endpage: 156

Authenticity in Integrated STEM Education – Boon or Fantasy? : Observing Upper Secondary Technology Classroom Practice

Hallström Jonas, Nordlöf Charlotta, Norström Per, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: PATT40 Liverpool 2023. Pupils' Attitudes Towards Technology Conference : Diverse Experiences of Design and Technology Education for a Contemporary and Pluralist Society
publisher: Liverpool John Moores University starpage: 397 endpage: 404

Authentic STEM education through modelling: an international Delphi study

Hallström Jonas, Norstrom Per, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1186/s40594-023-00453-4
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of STEM education
volume: 10 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

Authenticity in Integrated STEM Education – Boon or Fantasy? : Observing Upper Secondary Technology Classroom Practice

Hallström Jonas, Nordlöf Charlotta, Norström Per, Schönborn Konrad J.
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Pupils’ Attitudes Towards Technology (PATT) 40 : Diverse Experiences of Design and Technology Education for a Contemporary and Pluralist Society
publisher: starpage: 397 endpage: 404

The Impact of Digital and Analog Approaches on a Multidimensional Preschool Science Education

Otterborn Anna, Sundberg Bodil, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/s11165-023-10133-6
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in science education
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Authentic STEM education through modelling : An international Delphi study

Hallström Jonas, Norström Per, Schönborn Konrad J.
doi: 10.1186/s40594-023-00453-4
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of STEM education
volume: 10 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

The Impact of Digital and Analog Approaches on a Multidimensional Preschool Science Education

Otterborn Anna, Sundberg Bodil, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/s11165-023-10133-6
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in science education
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

The Impact of Digital and Analog Approaches on a Multidimensional Preschool Science Education

Otterborn Anna, Sundberg Bodil, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/s11165-023-10133-6
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in science education
volume: 54 issue: 2 starpage: 185 endpage: 203

Towards defining success factors for school visits to digital science centers

Göransson Andreas C., Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Models and modeling in STEM education: nature, roles, and implementation

Hallström Jonas, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1016/B978-0-12-818630-5.13038-6
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: International Encyclopedia of Education
publisher: Elsevier Science starpage: 112 endpage: 116

Moliverse: Contextually embedding the microcosm into the universe

Brossier Mathis, Skånberg Robin, Besançon Lonni, Linares Mathieu, Isenberg Tobias, Ynnerman Anders, Bock Alexander
doi: 10.1016/j.cag.2023.02.006
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Computers & graphics
volume: 112 issue: starpage: 22 endpage: 30

Ett artikelformat för att dela kritiskt prövade erfarenheter

Lunde Torodd, Höst Gunnar
doi: 10.3384/atena.2023.5140
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: ATENA Didaktik
volume: 5 issue: 2 starpage: endpage:

Artiklar om teknikdidaktisk forskning i ATENA Didaktik - en överblick

Lunde Torodd, Höst Gunnar
doi: 10.3384/atena.2023.4893
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: ATENA Didaktik
volume: 5 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

Teachers’ cognitive beliefs about their assessment and use of tools when evaluating students’ learning of technological systems : a questionnaire study

Schooner Patrick, Höst Gunnar, Klasander Claes, Hallström Jonas
doi: 10.1007/s10798-022-09763-0
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International journal of technology and design education
volume: 33 issue: starpage: 937 endpage: 956

Working with Forensic Practitioners to Understand the Opportunities and Challenges for Mixed-Reality Digital Autopsy

Pooryousef Vahid, Cordeil Maxime, Besançon Lonni, Hurter Christophe, Dwyer Tim, Bassed Richard
doi: 10.1145/3544548.3580768
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Why the article that led to the widespread use of hydroxychloroquine in COVID-19 should be retracted

Barraud Damien, Besançon Lonni, Bik Elisabeth M., Billy Eric, Clarot Franck, Frank Fabrice, Guihur Anthony, Hajage David, Lacombe Karine, Maisonneuve Herve, Molimard Mathieu, Mulot Matthieu, Samuel Alexander
doi: 10.1016/j.therap.2023.06.001
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Therapie (Paris)
volume: 78 issue: 4 starpage: 437 endpage: 440

Raising concerns on questionable ethics approvals - a case study of 456 trials from the Institut Hospitalo-Universitaire Mediterranee Infection

Florens Nans, Meyerowitz-katz Gideon, Barriere Jerome, Billy Eric, Saada Veronique, Samuel Alexander, Robert Jacques, Besançon Lonni
doi: 10.1186/s41073-023-00134-4
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
volume: 8 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

Studies of Part-to-Whole Glanceable Visualizations on Smartwatch Faces

Blascheck Tanja, Besançon Lonni, Bezerianos Anastasia, Lee Bongshin, Islam Alaul, He Tingying, Isenberg Petra
doi: 10.1109/PacificVis56936.2023.00028
publication type: Konferensbidrag
publisher: IEEE COMPUTER SOC starpage: 187 endpage: 196

Letter to Editor "Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs": Important concerns on the validity of this article

Barriere Jerome, Besançon Lonni, Saada Veronique, Al-Ahmad Abraham, Florens Nans, Seitz-Polski Barbara, Robert Jacques
doi: 10.1016/j.fct.2023.113897
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Food and Chemical Toxicology
volume: 178 issue: starpage: endpage:

RoboHapalytics: A Robot Assisted Haptic Controller for Immersive Analytics

Dai Shaozhang, Smiley Jim, Dwyer Tim, Ens Barrett, Besançon Lonni
doi: 10.1109/tvcg.2022.3209433
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
volume: 29 issue: 1 starpage: 451 endpage: 461

Moliverse: Contextually embedding the microcosm into the universe

Brossier Mathis, Skånberg Robin, Besançon Lonni, Linares Mathieu, Isenberg Tobias, Ynnerman Anders, Bock Alexander
doi: 10.1016/j.cag.2023.02.006
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Computers & graphics
volume: 112 issue: starpage: 22 endpage: 30

Scientific Integrity Requires Publishing Rebuttals and Retracting Problematic Papers

Barriere Jerome, Frank Fabrice, Besançon Lonni, Samuel Alexander, Saada Veronique, Billy Eric, Al-Ahmad Abraham, Seitz-Polski Barbara, Robert Jacques
doi: 10.1007/s12015-022-10465-2
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
volume: 19 issue: starpage: 568 endpage: 572

'Awesome to see the immense time before us on Earth' - Students' affective responses when interacting with a tree of life visualising evolutionary concepts

Stenlund Jörgen Ingemar, Linköping University Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Tibell Lena Anna Elisabet, Schoenborn Konrad Janek
doi: 10.1080/00219266.2022.2147205
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

‘Awesome to see the immense time before us on Earth’  - Students affective responses when interacting with a tree of life visualising evolutionary concepts

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1080/00219266.2022.2147205
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Students’ Meaning-Making of Nutrient Uptake in Relation to Organizational Levels

Jahic Pettersson Alma, Rundgren Carl-Johan, Tibell Lena A.E.
doi: 10.16993/dfl.175
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Designs for Learning
volume: 14 issue: 1 starpage: 29 endpage: 45

Students’ Meaning-Making of Nutrient Uptake in Relation to Organizational Levels

Rundgren Carl-Johan
doi: 10.16993/dfl.175
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Designs for Learning
volume: 14 issue: 1 starpage: 29 endpage: 45

Visual images of the biological microcosmos : Viewers’ perception of realism, preference, and desire to explore

Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.933087
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Frontiers in Education
volume: 7 issue: starpage: endpage:

"Connecting concepts helps put main ideas together": cognitive load and usability in learning biology with an AI-enriched textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Roehrig Casey, Chaudhri Vinay K., Tibell Lena, Heller H. Craig
doi: 10.1186/s41239-021-00317-3
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
volume: 19 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

‘Awesome to see the immense time before us on Earth’  - Students affective responses when interacting with a tree of life visualising evolutionary concepts

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1080/00219266.2022.2147205
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Making time/breaking time : critical literacy and politics of time in data visualisation

Johansson Veronica, Department of Science and Technology, Stenlund Jörgen, Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning
doi: 10.1108/JD-12-2020-0210
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Documentation
volume: 78 issue: 1 starpage: 60 endpage: 82

Making time/breaking time : critical literacy and politics of time in data visualisation

Johansson Veronica, Stenlund Jörgen
doi: 10.1108/JD-12-2020-0210
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Documentation
volume: 78 issue: 1 starpage: 60 endpage: 82

Exploring and Explaining Climate Change: Exploranation as a Visualization Pedagogy for Societal Action

Besançon Lonni, Schönborn Konrad, Sundén Erik, Yin He, Rising Samuel, Westerdahl Peter, Ljung Patric, Wideström Josef, Hansen Charles, Ynnerman Anders
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Investigating how students move between different levels of biological organization when interpreting epigenetic representations

Thyberg Annika, Schönborn Konrad, Gericke Niklas
publication type: Konferensbidrag

International Views of Authenticity inIntegrated STEM Education

Hallström Jonas, Norström Per, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: PATT on the Edge. Technology, innovation and education. : Designing a Better World Through Technological Literacy for All
publisher: starpage: 394 endpage: 399

Implementing Digital Tablet Activities in Swedish Preschool Education

Otterborn Anna, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-7885-1_16
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Applications of Research in Technology Education
publisher: Springer starpage: 249 endpage: 265

‘Awesome to see the immense time before us on Earth’  - Students affective responses when interacting with a tree of life visualising evolutionary concepts

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1080/00219266.2022.2147205
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Students’ perceptions of authenticity in an upper secondary technology education innovation project

Svärd Joachim, Schönborn Konrad, Hallström Jonas
doi: 10.1080/02635143.2022.2116418
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in Science & Technological Education
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Visual images of the biological microcosmos : Viewers’ perception of realism, preference, and desire to explore

Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.933087
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Frontiers in Education
volume: 7 issue: starpage: endpage:


Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-85288-7_1
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Thermal cameras in science education
publisher: Springer starpage: 1 endpage: 3

Conclusions and future outlook

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-85288-7_13
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Thermal cameras in science education
publisher: Springer starpage: 205 endpage: 210

Design and validation of a deep evolutionary time visual instrument (DET-Vis)

Stenlund Jörgen I., Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar
doi: 10.1186/s12052-022-00170-6
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Evolution: Education and Outreach
volume: 15 issue: starpage: endpage:

Design and validation of a deep evolutionary time visual instrument (DET-Vis)

Stenlund Jörgen I., Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar
doi: 10.1186/s12052-022-00170-6
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Evolution: Education and Outreach
volume: 15 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

International Views of Authenticity in Integrated STEM Education

Hallström Jonas, Norström Per, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: PATT 39: PATT on the Edge Technology, Innovation and Education
publisher: starpage: 394 endpage: 399

Implementing Digital Tablet Activities in Swedish Preschool Education

Otterborn Anna, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/978-981-16-7885-1_16
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Applications of Research in Technology Education
publisher: Springer starpage: 249 endpage: 265

Thermal Cameras in Science Education

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-85288-7
publication type: Samlingsverk (redaktörskap)


Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Schönborn Konrad J.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-85288-7_1
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Thermal cameras in science education
publisher: Springer starpage: 1 endpage: 3

Conclusions and future outlook

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Schönborn Konrad J.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-85288-7_13
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Thermal cameras in science education
publisher: Springer starpage: 205 endpage: 210

Thermal cameras in science education

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Schönborn Konrad J.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-85288-7
publication type: Samlingsverk (redaktörskap)

Visualizing and Exploring Heat in a Science Center

Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-85288-7
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Thermal Cameras in Science Education
publisher: Springer starpage: 187 endpage: 203

"Connecting concepts helps put main ideas together": cognitive load and usability in learning biology with an AI-enriched textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Roehrig Casey, Chaudhri Vinay K., Tibell Lena, Heller H. Craig
doi: 10.1186/s41239-021-00317-3
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
volume: 19 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

Making a fictitious animal : 6-7 year-old Swedishchildren’s meaning making about evolution duringa modelling task

Frejd Johanna, Stolpe Karin, Hultén Magnus, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1080/00219266.2020.1799843
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: 56 issue: 3 starpage: 323 endpage: 339

Media use and trust during the COVID-19 pandemic : evidence from eight cross-sectional surveys in Sweden

Winters Maike, Biermann Olivia, Bohlin Gustav, Bergman Martin, Brouneus Fredrik, Zeebari Zangin, Nordenstedt Helena
doi: 10.1093/eurpub/ckac145
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: European Journal of Public Health
volume: 32 issue: 6 starpage: 976 endpage: 981

"Connecting concepts helps put main ideas together": cognitive load and usability in learning biology with an AI-enriched textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Roehrig Casey, Chaudhri Vinay K., Tibell Lena, Heller H. Craig
doi: 10.1186/s41239-021-00317-3
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education
volume: 19 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

Att undervisa naturvetenskap i det flerspråkiga klassrummet

Lunde Torodd
doi: 10.3384/atena.2022.4584
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: ATENA Didaktik
volume: 4 issue: 2 starpage: endpage:

En bredd av utgångspunkter för dialog

Höst Gunnar, Lunde Torodd
doi: 10.3384/atena.2022.4398
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Atena didaktik
volume: 4 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

Visual images of the biological microcosmos : Viewers’ perception of realism, preference, and desire to explore

Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.933087
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Frontiers in Education
volume: 7 issue: starpage: endpage:

Design and validation of a deep evolutionary time visual instrument (DET-Vis)

Stenlund Jörgen I., Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning, Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar
doi: 10.1186/s12052-022-00170-6
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Evolution: Education and Outreach
volume: 15 issue: starpage: endpage:

Design and validation of a deep evolutionary time visual instrument (DET-Vis)

Stenlund Jörgen I., Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar
doi: 10.1186/s12052-022-00170-6
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Evolution: Education and Outreach
volume: 15 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

Technology teachers talk about knowledge : from uncertainty to technology education competence

Nordlöf Charlotta, Höst Gunnar, Hallström Jonas
doi: 10.1080/02635143.2022.2070150
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in Science & Technological Education
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Towards a three-part heuristic framework for technology education

Nordlöf Charlotta, Norstrom Per, Höst Gunnar, Hallström Jonas
doi: 10.1007/s10798-021-09664-8
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International journal of technology and design education
volume: 32 issue: 3 starpage: 1583 endpage: 1604

Students attitudes toward technology: exploring the relationship among affective, cognitive and behavioral components of the attitude construct

Svenningsson Johan, Höst Gunnar, Hultén Magnus, Hallström Jonas
doi: 10.1007/s10798-021-09657-7
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International journal of technology and design education
volume: 32 issue: 3 starpage: 1531 endpage: 1551

Exploring and Explaining Climate Change: Exploranation as a Visualization Pedagogy for Societal Action

Besançon Lonni, Schönborn Konrad, Sundén Erik, Yin He, Rising Samuel, Westerdahl Peter, Ljung Patric, Wideström Josef, Hansen Charles, Ynnerman Anders
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Covidiots et cancer. Y a-t-il une ânerie qu’ILS n’ont pas proférée ?

Robert Jacques, Frank Fabrice, Besançon Lonni, Samuel Alexander, Saada Veronique, Billy Eric, Seitz-Polski Barbara, Barrière Jérôme
doi: 10.1684/ito.2022.0324
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Innovations & Thérapeutiques en Oncologie
volume: 8 issue: 4 starpage: 179 endpage: 181

La lutte contre la fraude scientifique : une tâche ingrate mais nécessaire

Barrière Jérôme, Frank Fabrice, Besançon Lonni, Samuel Alexander, Saada Véronique, Billy Eric, Seitz-Polski Barbara, Robert Jacques
doi: 10.1016/j.bulcan.2022.06.013
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Bulletin du Cancer
volume: 109 issue: 10 starpage: 996 endpage: 998

Hybrid Touch/Tangible Spatial Selection in Augmented Reality

Sereno Mickael, Gosset Stéphane, Besançon Lonni, Isenberg Tobias
doi: 10.1111/cgf.14550
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Computer graphics forum (Print)
volume: 41 issue: 3 starpage: 403 endpage: 415

Mobility during the pandemic: how did our movements shape the course of COVID-19?

Besançon Lonni, Flahault Antoine, Meyerowitz-Katz Gideon
doi: 10.1093/jtm/taac055
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Travel Medicine
volume: 29 issue: 3 starpage: endpage:

Understanding differences between combinations of 2D and 3D input and output devices for 3D data visualization

Wang Xiyao, Besançon Lonni, Ammi Mehdi, Isenberg Tobias
doi: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2022.102820
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International journal of human-computer studies
volume: 163 issue: starpage: endpage:

Collaborative Work in Augmented Reality: A Survey

Sereno Mickael, Wang Xiyao, Besançon Lonni, Mcguffin Michael J., Isenberg Tobias
doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2020.3032761
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
volume: 28 issue: 6 starpage: 2530 endpage: 2549

Point specification in collaborative visualization for 3D scalar fields using augmented reality

Sereno Mickael, Besançon Lonni, Isenberg Tobias
doi: 10.1007/s10055-021-00614-2
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Virtual Reality
volume: 26 issue: starpage: 1317 endpage: 1334

Acquiring Peace Through The Outdoors : The effect of outdoor settings in the management and resolution of conflicts between preschool students from the teachers’ perspective

Fernández Santana Manuel
publication type: Studentuppsats (Examensarbete)

Teaching randomness in evolution with interactive visualizations of natural selection

Göransson Andreas C., Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Crossing the threshold : Visualization design and conceptual understanding of evolution

Göransson Andreas C.
doi: 10.3384/diss.diva-173337
publication type: Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning

“Too many things to remember”: Cognitive load and usability when learning biology with an AI-textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: ESERA 2021 - Fostering scientific citizenship in an uncertain world

Investigating three types of cognitive load when learning with an AI-enriched biology textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Moving through time

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Piloting a framework for identifying affective responses with interactive visualizations : the case of DeepTree

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Moving through time

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Piloting a framework for identifying affective responses with interactive visualizations: the case of DeepTree

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Teaching randomness in evolution with interactive visualizations of natural selection

Göransson Andreas C., Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

'The brain needs nutrition' : pupils' connections between organizational levels

Jahic Pettersson Alma, Tibell Lena, Löfgren Ragnhild
doi: 10.5617/nordina.7930
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: NorDiNa: Nordic Studies in Science Education
volume: 17 issue: 1 starpage: 48 endpage: 63

Zooming in Time-Exploring Students' Interpretations of a Dynamic Tree of Life

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s10956-020-09893-x
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Science Education and Technology
volume: 30 issue: 1 starpage: 125 endpage: 138

Zooming in Time — Exploring Students’ Interpretations of a Dynamic Tree of Life

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s10956-020-09893-x
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Science Education and Technology
volume: 30 issue: starpage: 125 endpage: 138

Moving through time

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Piloting a framework for identifying affective responses with interactive visualizations : the case of DeepTree

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Moving through time

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Piloting a framework for identifying affective responses with interactive visualizations: the case of DeepTree

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Making time/breaking time : critical literacy and politics of time in data visualisation

Johansson Veronica, Stenlund Jörgen
doi: 10.1108/JD-12-2020-0210
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Documentation
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Zooming in Time-Exploring Students' Interpretations of a Dynamic Tree of Life

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s10956-020-09893-x
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Science Education and Technology
volume: 30 issue: 1 starpage: 125 endpage: 138

Zooming in Time — Exploring Students’ Interpretations of a Dynamic Tree of Life

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s10956-020-09893-x
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Science Education and Technology
volume: 30 issue: starpage: 125 endpage: 138

“Too many things to remember”: Cognitive load and usability when learning biology with an AI-textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: ESERA 2021 - Fostering scientific citizenship in an uncertain world

Investigating three types of cognitive load when learning with an AI-enriched biology textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Moving through time

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Piloting a framework for identifying affective responses with interactive visualizations : the case of DeepTree

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Moving through time

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Piloting a framework for identifying affective responses with interactive visualizations: the case of DeepTree

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Public Perceptions of Waste Management in Sri Lanka : A Focus Group Study

Gudmann Knutsson Sophie, Asplund Therese, Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.3390/su132312960
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Sustainability
volume: 13 issue: 23 starpage: endpage:

Zooming in Time-Exploring Students' Interpretations of a Dynamic Tree of Life

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s10956-020-09893-x
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Science Education and Technology
volume: 30 issue: 1 starpage: 125 endpage: 138

Zooming in Time — Exploring Students’ Interpretations of a Dynamic Tree of Life

Stenlund Jörgen, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s10956-020-09893-x
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Science Education and Technology
volume: 30 issue: starpage: 125 endpage: 138

The carbon cycle and systems thinking : Conceptualizing a visualization-based learning system for teaching the carbon cycle that supports systems thinking

Mani Kashani Mina
publication type: Studentuppsats (Examensarbete)

“Too many things to remember”: Cognitive load and usability when learning biology with an AI-textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: ESERA 2021 - Fostering scientific citizenship in an uncertain world

Investigating three types of cognitive load when learning with an AI-enriched biology textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Public Perceptions of Waste Management in Sri Lanka : A Focus Group Study

Gudmann Knutsson Sophie, Asplund Therese, Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.3390/su132312960
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Sustainability
volume: 13 issue: 23 starpage: endpage:

Tre terminer av pandemi – professionellt lärande i det ”nya vanliga”

Stolpe Karin, Höst Gunnar E.
doi: 10.3384/atena.2021.3922
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: ATENA Didaktik
volume: 3 issue: 2 starpage: endpage:

Virtuella laborationer eller fysiska?

Höst Gunnar
doi: 10.3384/atena.2021.3921
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: ATENA Didaktik
volume: 3 issue: 2 starpage: endpage:

Towards a three-part heuristic framework for technology education

Nordlöf Charlotta, Norström Per
doi: 10.1007/s10798-021-09664-8
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International journal of technology and design education
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Forum för forskningsbaserad NT-undervisning : Bidrag från konferensen FobasNT19 17-18 oktober 2019 i Norrköping

Larsson Andreas, Stolpe Karin, Höst Gunnar
publication type: Proceedings (redaktörskap)

3D Mobile Data Visualization

Besançon Lonni, Aigner Wolfgang, Boucher Magdalena, Dwyer Tim, Isenberg Tobias
doi: 10.1201/9781003090823-4
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Mobile Data Visualization
publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC starpage: 111 endpage: 150

Publishing Visualization Studies as Registered Reports: Expected Benefits and Researchers’ Attitudes

Besançon Lonni, Bezerianos Anastasia, Dragicevic Pierre, Isenberg Petra, Jansen Yvonne
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Introduction to Mobile Data Visualization

Langner Ricardo, Besançon Lonni, Collins Christopher, Dwyer Tim, Isenberg Petra, Isenberg Tobias, Bongshin Lee, Perin Charles, Tominski Christian
doi: 10.1201/9781003090823-1
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Mobile Data Visualization
publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC starpage: 1 endpage: 32

Can Visualization Alleviate Dichotomous Thinking? : Effects of Visual Representations on the Cliff Effect

Helske Jouni, Helske Satu, Cooper Matthew, Ynnerman Anders, Besancon Lonni
doi: 10.1109/TVCG.2021.3073466
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
volume: 27 issue: 8 starpage: 3397 endpage: 3409

Open science saves lives : lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic

Besancon Lonni, Peiffer-Smadja Nathan, Segalas Corentin, Jiang Haiting, Masuzzo Paola, Smout Cooper, Billy Eric, Deforet Maxime, Leyrat Clemence
doi: 10.1186/s12874-021-01304-y
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: BMC Medical Research Methodology
volume: 21 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

The State of the Art of Spatial Interfaces for 3D Visualization

Besançon Lonni, Ynnerman Anders, Keefe Daniel F., Yu Lingyun, Isenberg Tobias
doi: 10.1111/cgf.14189
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Computer graphics forum (Print)
volume: 40 issue: 1 starpage: 293 endpage: 326

Conceptual Characterization of Threshold Concepts in Student Explanations of Evolution by Natural Selection and Effects of Item Context

Göransson Andreas C., Orraryd Daniel, Fiedler Daniela, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1187/cbe.19-03-0056
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: CBE - Life Sciences Education
volume: 19 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

Engaging With Biology by Asking Questions: Investigating Students’ Interaction and Learning With an Artificial Intelligence-Enriched Textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena, Chaudhri Vinay K., Heller H. Craig
doi: 10.1177/0735633120921581
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of educational computing research (Print)
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Conceptual Characterization of Threshold Concepts in Student Explanations of Evolution by Natural Selection and Effects of Item Context

Göransson Andreas C., Orraryd Daniel, Fiedler Daniela, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1187/cbe.19-03-0056
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: CBE - Life Sciences Education
volume: 19 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

What’s in the body? Children’s annotated drawings

Andersson Johanna, Löfgren Ragnhild, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1080/00219266.2019.1569082
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: issue: 2 starpage: 176 endpage: 190

Investigating Preschool Educators’ Implementation of Computer Programming in Their Teaching Practice

Otterborn Anna, Schönborn Konrad, Hultén Magnus
doi: 10.1007/s10643-019-00976-y
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Early Childhood Education Journal
volume: 48 issue: 3 starpage: 253 endpage: 262

Nano for the Public: An Exploranation Perspective

Höst Gunnar E., Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Schönborn Konrad J.
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: CG&A Full Papers - Vis for the Masses

Virtual nanoworlds for learning

Flint Jennifer, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1201/9780429351631
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: 21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook : Public Policy, Education, and Global Trends (Volume Ten)
publisher: CRC Press starpage: 7-1 endpage: 7-14

Virtual nanoworlds for learning

Flint Jennifer, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1201/9780429351631
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: 21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook : Public Policy, Education, and Global Trends (Volume Ten)
publisher: CRC Press starpage: 7-1 endpage: 7-14

Engaging With Biology by Asking Questions: Investigating Students’ Interaction and Learning With an Artificial Intelligence-Enriched Textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena, Chaudhri Vinay K., Heller H. Craig
doi: 10.1177/0735633120921581
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of educational computing research (Print)
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Nano for the Public: An Exploranation Perspective

Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1109/MCG.2020.2973120
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
volume: 40 issue: 2 starpage: 32 endpage: 42

Virtual Nanoworlds for Learning

Flint Jennifer, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Dataset

Investigating Preschool Educators’ Implementation of Computer Programming in Their Teaching Practice

Otterborn Anna, Schönborn Konrad, Hultén Magnus
doi: 10.1007/s10643-019-00976-y
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Early Childhood Education Journal
volume: 48 issue: 3 starpage: 253 endpage: 262

Is too much help an obstacle? Effects of interactivity and cognitive style on learning with dynamic versus non‑dynamic visualizations with narrative explanations

Koc-Januchta Marta, Höffler Tim N., Prechtl Helmut, Leutner Detlev
doi: 10.1007/s11423-020-09822-0
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Educational technology research and development
volume: 68 issue: 6 starpage: 2971 endpage: 2990

Engaging With Biology by Asking Questions: Investigating Students’ Interaction and Learning With an Artificial Intelligence-Enriched Textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena, Chaudhri Vinay K., Heller H. Craig
doi: 10.1177/0735633120921581
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of educational computing research (Print)
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Nano for the Public: An Exploranation Perspective

Höst Gunnar E., Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Schönborn Konrad J.
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: CG&A Full Papers - Vis for the Masses

Virtual nanoworlds for learning

Flint Jennifer, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1201/9780429351631
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: 21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook : Public Policy, Education, and Global Trends (Volume Ten)
publisher: CRC Press starpage: 7-1 endpage: 7-14

Virtual nanoworlds for learning

Flint Jennifer, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1201/9780429351631
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: 21st Century Nanoscience – A Handbook : Public Policy, Education, and Global Trends (Volume Ten)
publisher: CRC Press starpage: 7-1 endpage: 7-14

Nano for the Public: An Exploranation Perspective

Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1109/MCG.2020.2973120
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
volume: 40 issue: 2 starpage: 32 endpage: 42

Virtual Nanoworlds for Learning

Flint Jennifer, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Dataset

Tangible Volumetric Brushing in Augmented Reality

Gossett Stéphane, Sereno Mickael, Besançon Lonni, Isenberg Tobias
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Towards an Understanding of Augmented Reality Extensions for Existing 3D Data Analysis Tools

Wang Xiyao, Besancon Lonni, Rousseau David, Sereno Mickael, Ammi Mehdi, Isenberg Tobias
doi: 10.1145/3313831.3376657
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Threats of a Replication Crisis in Empirical Computer Science

Cockburn Andy, Dragicevic Pierre, Besancon Lonni, Gutwin Carl
doi: 10.1145/3360311
publication type: Artikel, forskningsöversikt
journal: Communications of the ACM
volume: 63 issue: 8 starpage: 70 endpage: 79

Open up: a survey on open and non-anonymized peer reviewing

Besançon Lonni, Rönnberg Niklas, Löwgren Jonas, Tennant Jonathan P., Cooper Matthew
doi: 10.1186/s41073-020-00094-z
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: BMC Research Integrity and Peer Review
volume: 5 issue: 8 starpage: 1 endpage: 11

Reducing Affective Responses to Surgical Images and Videos Through Stylization

Besancon Lonni, Semmo Amir, Biau David, Frachet Bruno, Pineau Virginie, Sariali El Hadi, Soubeyrand Marc, Taouachi Rabah, Isenberg Tobias, Dragicevic Pierre
doi: 10.1111/cgf.13886
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Computer graphics forum (Print)
volume: 39 issue: 1 starpage: 462 endpage: 483

Stepping on the threshold - visualization design and learners causal models of natural selection

Göransson Andreas C.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Context dependence of threshold concepts in students' natural selection explanations

Göransson Andreas C., Fiedler Daniela, Mathematics Education, Orraryd Daniel, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Context dependence of threshold concepts in students' natural selection explanations

Göransson Andreas C., Fiedler Daniela, Mathematics Education, Orraryd Daniel, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Asking questions to engage with biology: Investigating students’ interaction and learning with an AI-based textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena A. E., Chaudhri Vinay K., Heller H. Craig
publication type: Konferensbidrag

To zoom into evolutionary time : Interacting with a dynamic tree of life

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Visualizing macroevolutionary timescales : students’ comprehension of different temporal representations in an animation

Stenlund Jörgen Ingemar, Tibell Lena Anna Elisabet
doi: 10.1186/s12052-019-0099-9
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Evolution: Education and Outreach
volume: 12 issue: 1 starpage: 1 endpage: 15

To zoom into evolutionary time : Interacting with a dynamic tree of life

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Travelling through time : Students’ interpretation of evolutionary time in dynamic visualizations

Stenlund Jörgen
doi: 10.3384/lic.diva-154619
publication type: Licentiatavhandling, sammanläggning

Visualizing macroevolutionary timescales : Students' comprehension of different temporal representations in an animation

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell L. A. E.
doi: 10.1186/s12052-019-0099-9
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Evolution: Education and Outreach
volume: 12 issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

Travelling through time : Students’ interpretation of evolutionary time in dynamic visualizations

Stenlund Jörgen
doi: 10.3384/lic.diva-154619
publication type: Licentiatavhandling, sammanläggning

Surveying preschool teachers’ use of digital tablets : general and technology education related findings

Otterborn Anna, Schönborn Konrad, Hultén Magnus
doi: 10.1007/s10798-018-9469-9
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International journal of technology and design education
volume: 29 issue: 4 starpage: 717 endpage: 737

Thermal Cameras as a Semiotic Resource for Teaching in South African Township Schools

Dolo Gilbert, Haglund Jesper, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Book of Long Paper Abstracts, Symposia, Short Papers, Snapshots of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SAARMSTE)
publisher: starpage: 460 endpage: 463

Heat Angels and Paper Cups: Pupils’ Use of Metaphoric Relations When Engaging Thermal Cameras to Investigate Heat

Larsson Andreas, Stafstedt Matilda, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-17219-0_5
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Bridging Research and Practice in Science Education. Contributions from Science Education Research, vol 6.
publisher: Springer starpage: 74 endpage: 89

Asking questions to engage with biology: Investigating students’ interaction and learning with an AI-based textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena A. E., Chaudhri Vinay K., Heller H. Craig
publication type: Konferensbidrag

The Pedagogical Potential of Infrared Cameras in Biology Education

Haglund Jesper, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1525/abt.2019.81.7.520
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: The American Biology Teacher
volume: 81 issue: 7 starpage: 520 endpage: 523

The Pedagogical Potential of Infrared Cameras in Biology Education

Haglund Jesper, Schönborn Konrad J.
doi: 10.1525/abt.2019.81.7.520
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: The American Biology Teacher
volume: 81 issue: 7 starpage: 520 endpage: 523

To zoom into evolutionary time : Interacting with a dynamic tree of life

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Commentary: Models and modelling for authentic STEM education: reinforcing the argument

Hallström Jonas, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1186/s40594-019-0178-z
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of STEM education
volume: 6 issue: starpage: endpage:

Surveying preschool teachers’ use of digital tablets : general and technology education related findings

Otterborn Anna, Schönborn Konrad, Hultén Magnus
doi: 10.1007/s10798-018-9469-9
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International journal of technology and design education
volume: 29 issue: 4 starpage: 717 endpage: 737

Forskning i svensk press 1995-2015 : en innehållsanalys

Jönsson Anna Maria, Bohlin Gustav, Brouéus Fredrik
publication type: Rapport

Lika barn debateras mest : forskares medverkan på DN debatt 1992-2015

Jönsson Anna Maria, Bohlin Gustav, Brouéus Fredrik, Lindholm Maria
publication type: Rapport

Does modality play a role? Visual-verbal cognitive style and multimedia learning

Koc-Januchta Marta, Höffler Tim N., Eckhardt Marc, Leutner Detlev
doi: 10.1111/jcal.12381
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Computer Assisted Learning
volume: 35 issue: 6 starpage: 747 endpage: 757

Asking questions to engage with biology: Investigating students’ interaction and learning with an AI-based textbook

Koc-Januchta Marta, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena A. E., Chaudhri Vinay K., Heller H. Craig
publication type: Konferensbidrag

En plats för samtal mellan profession och forskning

Stolpe Karin, Höst Gunnar
doi: 10.3384/ATENA.2019.1385
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: ATENA Didaktik
volume: issue: 1 starpage: endpage:

Kemi för alla - Bidrag från konferensen i Stockholm 1-2 oktober 2018, arrangerad av KRC

Stolpe Karin, Höst Gunnar
publication type: Rapport

Från forskning till fysikundervisning : Bidrag från konferensen 10– 11 april 2018 i Lund arrangerad av Nationellt Resurscentrum för Fysik

Stolpe Karin, Höst Gunnar, Larsson Andreas
publication type: Proceedings (redaktörskap)

Forum för forskningsbaserad NT-undervisning : Bidrag från konferensen FobasNT18 13 – 14 mars 2018 i Norrköping

Stolpe Karin, Höst Gunnar, Larsson Andreas
publication type: Proceedings (redaktörskap)

Self-efficacy or context dependency? : Exploring teachers’ perceptions of and attitudes towards technology education

Nordlöf Charlotta, Hallström Jonas, Höst Gunnar
doi: 10.1007/s10798-017-9431-2
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International journal of technology and design education
volume: 29 issue: 1 starpage: 123 endpage: 141

Supporting Volumetric Data Visualization and Analysis by Combining Augmented Reality Visuals with Multi-Touch Input

Sereno Mickael, Besançon Lonni, Isenberg Tobias
publication type: Konferensbidrag

A Vision of Bringing Immersive Visualization to Scientific Workflows

Wang Xiyao, Besançon Lonni, Guéniat Florimond, Sereno Mickael, Ammi Mehdi, Isenberg Tobias
publication type: Konferensbidrag

The Continued Prevalence of Dichotomous Inferences at CHI

Besancon Lonni, Dragicevic Pierre
doi: 10.1145/3290607.3310432
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Hybrid Touch/Tangible Spatial 3D Data Selection

Besancon Lonni, Sereno Mickael, Yu Lingyun, Ammi Mehdi, Isenberg Tobias
doi: 10.1111/cgf.13710
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Computer graphics forum (Print)
volume: 38 issue: 3 starpage: 553 endpage: 567

Augmenting Tactile 3D Data Navigation With Pressure Sensing

Wang Xiyao, Besancon Lonni, Ammi Mehdi, Isenberg Tobias
doi: 10.1111/cgf.13716
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Computer graphics forum (Print)
volume: 38 issue: 3 starpage: 635 endpage: 647

A Study on Visual Representations for Active Plant Wall Data Analysis

Hassan Kahin Akram, Liu Yu, Besançon Lonni, Johansson Jimmy, Rönnberg Niklas
doi: 10.3390/data4020074
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: DATA
volume: 4 issue: 2 starpage: endpage:

Insights from introducing natural selection to novices using animations of antibiotic resistance

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1080/00219266.2017.1368687
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: 52 issue: 3 starpage: 314 endpage: 330

Visualizing time in evolution

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

What Biological Visualizations Do Science Center Visitors Prefer in an Interactive Touch Table?

Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena, Fröcklin Henry
doi: 10.3390/educsci8040166
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Education Sciences
volume: 8 issue: 4 starpage: endpage:

Exploranation: A New Science Communication Paradigm

Ynnerman Anders, Löwgren Jonas, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1109/MCG.2018.032421649
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
volume: 38 issue: 3 starpage: 13 endpage: 20

Insights from introducing natural selection to novices using animations of antibiotic resistance

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1080/00219266.2017.1368687
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: 52 issue: 3 starpage: 314 endpage: 330

Visualizing time in evolution

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Visualizations of macroevolutionary timescales

Stenlund Jörgen
publication type: Dataset

Thermal Cameras as a Semiotic Resource for Inquiry in a South African Township School Context

Dolo Gilbert, Haglund Jesper, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.16993/dfl.96
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Designs for Learning
volume: 10 issue: 1 starpage: 123 endpage: 134

Thermal cameras as a semiotic resource for inquiry in a South African township school context

Dolo Gilbert, Haglund Jesper, Schönborn Konrad J.
doi: 10.16993/dfl.96
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Designs for Learning
volume: 10 issue: 1 starpage: 123 endpage: 134

What Biological Visualizations Do Science Center Visitors Prefer in an Interactive Touch Table?

Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena, Fröcklin Henry
doi: 10.3390/educsci8040166
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Education Sciences
volume: 8 issue: 4 starpage: endpage:

Connecting Authentic Innovation Activities to the Design Process

Svärd Joachim, Schönborn Konrad, Hallström Jonas
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: 2018 PATT36 International Conference, Research and Practice in Technology Education: Perspectives on Human Capacity and Development
publisher: starpage: 216 endpage: 222

What Biological Visualizations Do Science Center Visitors Prefer in an Interactive Touch Table?

Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena, Fröcklin Henry
doi: 10.3390/educsci8040166
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Education Sciences
volume: 8 issue: 4 starpage: endpage:

Insights from introducing natural selection to novices using animations of antibiotic resistance

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1080/00219266.2017.1368687
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: 52 issue: 3 starpage: 314 endpage: 330

What Biological Visualizations Do Science Center Visitors Prefer in an Interactive Touch Table?

Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad, Tibell Lena, Fröcklin Henry
doi: 10.3390/educsci8040166
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Education Sciences
volume: 8 issue: 4 starpage: endpage:

Teknikdidaktisk forskning för lärare : Bidrag från en forskningsmiljö

Stolpe Karin, Höst Gunnar, Hallström Jonas
publication type: Bok

Insights from introducing natural selection to novices using animations of antibiotic resistance

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1080/00219266.2017.1368687
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: 52 issue: 3 starpage: 314 endpage: 330

A conceptual characterization of online videos explaining natural selection

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s11191-017-9938-7
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Science & Education
volume: 26 issue: 7-9 starpage: 975 endpage: 999

Evolving germs – Introducing novice pupils to the evolution of bacterial resistance to antibiotics

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar E., Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Moving between scales – zooming in time

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Biological Principles and Threshold Concepts for Understanding Natural Selection Implications for Developing Visualizations as a Pedagogic Tool

Tibell Lena, Harms Ute
doi: 10.1007/s11191-017-9935-x
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Science & Education
volume: 26 issue: 7-9 starpage: 953 endpage: 973

A conceptual characterization of online videos explaining natural selection

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s11191-017-9938-7
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Science & Education
volume: 26 issue: 7-9 starpage: 975 endpage: 999

Evolving germs – Introducing novice pupils to the evolution of bacterial resistance to antibiotics

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar E., Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Moving between scales – zooming in time

Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Exploring the use of digital tablets in preschool technology and science education

Otterborn Anna, Schönborn Konrad, Hultén Magnus
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: PATT 34, 2017, Conference Program : Technology & Engineering Education: Fostering the Creativity of Youth Around the Globe

Design of an authentic innovation project in Swedish upper secondary technology education

Svärd Joachim, Schönborn Konrad, Hallström Jonas
doi: 10.15663/ajte.v4i1.48
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Australasian Journal of Technology Education
volume: 4 issue: starpage: 1 endpage: 15

Does Authentic Learning Work? : Evaluating an Innovation Project in Upper Secondary Technology Education in Sweden

Svärd Joachim, Schönborn Konrad, Hallström Jonas
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: PATT 34, Technology & Engineering Education: Fostering the Creativity of Youth Around the Globe
publisher: starpage: 1 endpage: 12

Exploring the use of digital tablets in preschool technology and science education

Otterborn Anna, Schönborn Konrad, Hultén Magnus
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: PATT 34, Technology & Engineering Education: Fostering the Creativity of Youth Around the Globe, Millersville, PA, 2017

Visualising energy transformations in electric circuits with infrared cameras

Jeppsson Fredrik, Netzell Elisabeth, Jesper Haglund, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: School Science Review
volume: 98 issue: 364 starpage: 19 endpage: 22

Visualising energy transformations in electric circuits with infrared cameras

Netzell Elisabeth, Jeppsson Fredrik, Haglund Jesper, Schönborn Konrad J
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: School Science Review
volume: 98 issue: 364 starpage: 19 endpage: 22

Stimulating and supporting inquiry-based science learning with infrared cameras in South Africa

Dolo Gilbert, Haglund Jesper, Schönborn Konrad J.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

A conceptual characterization of online videos explaining natural selection

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s11191-017-9938-7
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Science & Education
volume: 26 issue: 7-9 starpage: 975 endpage: 999

Evolving germs – Antibiotic resistance and natural selection in education and public communication

Bohlin Gustav
doi: 10.3384/diss.diva-138657
publication type: Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning

Evolving germs – Introducing novice pupils to the evolution of bacterial resistance to antibiotics

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar E., Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

More Evidence for Three Types of Cognitive Style : Validating the Object-Spatial Imagery and Verbal Questionnaire Using Eye Tracking when Learning with Texts and Pictures

Höffler Tim N., Koć-Januchta Marta, Leutner Detlev
doi: 10.1002/acp.3300
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Applied Cognitive Psychology
volume: 31 issue: 1 starpage: 109 endpage: 115

Visualizers versus verbalizers : Effects of cognitive style on learning with texts and pictures - An eye-tracking study

Koc-Januchta Marta, Höffler Tim N., Thoma Gun-Brit, Prechtl Helmut, Leutner Detlev
doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2016.11.028
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Computers in human behavior
volume: 68 issue: starpage: 170 endpage: 179

A conceptual characterization of online videos explaining natural selection

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s11191-017-9938-7
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Science & Education
volume: 26 issue: 7-9 starpage: 975 endpage: 999

Evolving germs – Introducing novice pupils to the evolution of bacterial resistance to antibiotics

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Höst Gunnar E., Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Intentions and actions in molecular self-assembly : perspectives on students’ language use

Höst Gunnar E., Anward Jan
doi: 10.1080/09500693.2017.1298870
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Science Education
volume: 39 issue: 6 starpage: 627 endpage: 644

Swedish Technology Teachers’ Attitudes to their Subject and its Teaching

Nordlöf Charlotta, Höst Gunnar, Hallström Jonas
doi: 10.1080/02635143.2017.1295368
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in Science & Technological Education
volume: 35 issue: 2 starpage: 195 endpage: 214

Experiences among children and adolescents of living with spina bifida and their visions of the future

Strömfors Lina, Wilhelmsson Susan, Falk Lars, Höst Gunnar E.
doi: 10.3109/09638288.2016.1146355
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Disability and Rehabilitation
volume: 39 issue: 3 starpage: 261 endpage: 271

NTA-Digital – Tema Kroppen

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Gericke Niklas, Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

NTA-Digital – Tema kroppen

Bohlin Gustaf, Göransson Andreas, Gericke Niklas, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

NTA-Digital – Tema Kroppen

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Gericke Niklas, Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Development of an interactive immersion environment for engendering understanding about nanotechnology: concept, construction, and implementation

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Flint Jennifer
doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8619-9.ch024
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Web Design and Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
publisher: IGI Global starpage: 519 endpage: 536

Infrared cameras support inquiry-based science education in a township school in South Africa

Dolo Gilbert, Haglund Jesper, Schönborn Konrad J
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Designing a module for authentic learning in upper secondary technology education

Svärd Joachim, Schönborn Konrad, Hallström Jonas
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: PATT-32 Proceedings Technology Education for 21st Century Skills : Utrecht, The Netherlands, August 2016
publisher: University of Applied Sciences starpage: 454 endpage: 462

Interaktiv visualisering av nanovärlden stödjer lärande

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Resultatdialog 2016
publisher: Vetenskapsrådet starpage: 135 endpage: 140

Assessment of visualisation skills in biochemistry students

Mnguni Lindelani, Schönborn Konrad, Anderson Trevor
doi: 10.17159/sajs.2016/20150412
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: South African Journal of Science
volume: 112 issue: 9/10 starpage: 1 endpage: 8

Interactive Visualization for Learning and Teaching Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-31833-2_7
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Global Perspectives of Nanoscience and Engineering Education, Part II
publisher: Springer starpage: 195 endpage: 222

Nano education with interactive visualization

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1016/j.nantod.2015.10.006
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Nano Today
volume: 11 issue: 5 starpage: 543 endpage: 546

Visualization of Heat Transfer Using Projector-Based Spatial Augmented Reality

Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-40621-3_29
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Computer Graphics : Third International Conference, AVR 2016, Lecce, Italy, June 15-18, 2016. Proceedings, Part I
publisher: Springer starpage: 407 endpage: 417

Taking on the heat : A narrative account of how infrared cameras invite instant inquiry

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Schönborn Konrad J.
doi: 10.1007/s11165-015-9476-8
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in science education
volume: 46 issue: 5 starpage: 685 endpage: 713

Infrared cameras in science education

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Melander Emil, Pendrill Ann-Marie, Xie Charles, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1016/j.infrared.2015.12.009
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Infrared physics & technology
volume: 75 issue: starpage: 150 endpage: 152

Värmekameran : En laboration med fokus på elektriska kretsar

Netzell Elisabeth, Haglund Jesper, Schönborn Konrad J, Jeppsson Fredrik
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: LMNT-nytt
volume: issue: 1 starpage: 24 endpage: 27

Infrared cameras in science education

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Melander Emil, Pendrill Ann-Marie, Xie Charles, Schönborn Konrad J
doi: 10.1016/j.infrared.2015.12.009
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Infrared physics & technology
volume: 75 issue: March starpage: 150 endpage: 152

Taking on the Heat—a Narrative Account of How Infrared Cameras Invite Instant Inquiry

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/s11165-015-9476-8
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in science education
volume: 46 issue: 5 starpage: 685 endpage: 713

NTA-Digital – Tema Kroppen

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Gericke Niklas, Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Development of an interactive immersion environment for engendering understanding about nanotechnology: concept, construction, and implementation

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Flint Jennifer
doi: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8619-9.ch024
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Web Design and Development: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
publisher: IGI Global starpage: 519 endpage: 536

Interaktiv visualisering av nanovärlden stödjer lärande

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Resultatdialog 2016
publisher: Vetenskapsrådet starpage: 135 endpage: 140

Från forskning till fysikundervisning : Bidrag från konferensen i Malmö 14-15 mars 2016

Stolpe Karin, Höst Gunnar
publication type: Proceedings (redaktörskap)

Interactive Visualization for Learning and Teaching Nanoscience and Nanotechnology

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-31833-2_7
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Global Perspectives of Nanoscience and Engineering Education, Part II
publisher: Springer starpage: 195 endpage: 222

Nano education with interactive visualization

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1016/j.nantod.2015.10.006
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Nano Today
volume: 11 issue: 5 starpage: 543 endpage: 546

Diverse use of threshold concepts - A content analysis of online dynamic visualizations describing evolution.

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Ideas about the human body among secondary students in South Africa

Granklint Enochson Pernilla, Redfors Andreas, Dempster Edith R., Tibell Lena A. E.
doi: 10.1080/10288457.2015.1050804
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
volume: 19 issue: 2 starpage: 199 endpage: 211

Ideas about the human body among secondary students in South Africa

Granklint Enochson Pernilla, Redfors Andreas, Dempster Edith R., Tibell Lena A. E.
doi: 10.1080/10288457.2015.1050804
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
volume: 19 issue: 2 starpage: 199 endpage: 211

Ideas about the Human Body among Secondary Students in South Africa

Granklint Enochson Pernilla, Redfors Andreas, Dempster Edith R., Tibell Lena Anna Elisabeth
doi: 10.1080/10288457.2015.1050804
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
volume: 19 issue: 2 starpage: 199 endpage: 211

Searching for threshold concepts in evolution by using an open response instrument

Göransson Andreas, Orraryd Daniel, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Creative evolution: Students generating stop-motion animations of evolutionary change

Orraryd Daniel, Tibell Lena A.E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

The potential of the evolutionary tree as mediational means in museum exhibitions containing key evolutionary concepts

Skar Helena, Tibell Lena A E
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Non-formal Learning Environments

Lowering the Threshold - New Approaches for Teaching and Learning Evolution

Tibell Lena A.E., Harms Ute
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Diverse use of threshold concepts - A content analysis of online dynamic visualizations describing evolution.

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Ideas about the human body among secondary students in South Africa

Granklint Enochson Pernilla, Redfors Andreas, Dempster Edith R., Tibell Lena A. E.
doi: 10.1080/10288457.2015.1050804
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
volume: 19 issue: 2 starpage: 199 endpage: 211

Ideas about the human body among secondary students in South Africa

Granklint Enochson Pernilla, Redfors Andreas, Dempster Edith R., Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1080/10288457.2015.1050804
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
volume: 19 issue: 2 starpage: 199 endpage: 211

A Criteria Catalogue Covering Multiple Evolutionary Aspects Including Threshold Concepts for Assessment of Animations Explaining Evolution

Bohlin Gustav, Härting Jennifer, Harms Ute, Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

A Novel Computer Application for Teaching Evolutionary Mechanisms : Visual Analogies of Randomness and Natural Selection

Göransson Andreas, Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

A Novel Computer Application for Teaching Evolutionary Mechanisms: Visual Analogies of Randomness and Natural Selection

Göransson Andreas, Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Local Destabilization of the Metal-Binding Region in Human Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase by Remote Mutations Is a Possible Determinant for Progression of ALS

Hennig Janosch, Andrésen Cecilia, Museth Anna Katrine, Lundström Patrik, Tibell Lena, Jonsson Bengt-Harald
doi: 10.1021/bi500606j
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Biochemistry
volume: 54 issue: 2 starpage: 323 endpage: 333

Challenging Students’ Intuitions : The Influence of a Tangible Model of Virus Assembly on Students’ Conceptual Reasoning About the Process of Self-Assembly

Larsson Caroline, Tibell Lena A E
doi: 10.1007/s11165-014-9446-6
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in science education
volume: 45 issue: 5 starpage: 663 endpage: 690

A Novel Computer Application for Teaching Evolutionary Mechanisms : Visual Analogies of Randomness and Natural Selection

Göransson Andreas, Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

A Novel Computer Application for Teaching Evolutionary Mechanisms: Visual Analogies of Randomness and Natural Selection

Göransson Andreas, Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Thermal cameras in school laboratory activities

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Hedberg David, Schönborn Konrad J
doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/50/4/424
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Physics Education
volume: 50 issue: 4 starpage: 424 endpage: 430

Students framing of laboratory exercises using infrared cameras

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Hedberg David, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.11.020127
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Physical Review Special Topics : Physics Education Research
volume: 11 issue: 2 starpage: 020127 endpage:

Students’ framing of laboratory exercises using infrared cameras

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Hedberg David, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1103/PhysRevSTPER.11.020127
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Physical Review Special Topics : Physics Education Research
volume: 11 issue: 2 starpage: endpage:

IR cameras provide disciplinary affordance to thermal phenomena

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Personal embodied experiences in thermodynamics education

Jeppsson Fredrik, Haglund Jesper, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Students’ interaction with IR cameras in POE laboratory exercises

Schönborn Konrad, Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Thermal cameras in school laboratory activities

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Hedberg David, Schönborn Konrad J
doi: 10.1088/0031-9120/50/4/424
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Physics Education
volume: 50 issue: 4 starpage: 424 endpage: 430

Värmekameror hjälper elever se naturfenomen

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: LMNT-nytt
volume: issue: 1 starpage: 18 endpage: 21

Measuring understanding of nanoscience and nanotechnology: development and validation of the nano-knowledge instrument (NanoKI)

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1039/C4RP00241E
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Chemistry Education Research and Practice
volume: 16 issue: 2 starpage: 346 endpage: 354

Diverse use of threshold concepts - A content analysis of online dynamic visualizations describing evolution.

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

A Criteria Catalogue Covering Multiple Evolutionary Aspects Including Threshold Concepts for Assessment of Animations Explaining Evolution

Bohlin Gustav, Härting Jennifer, Harms Ute, Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Big data och Hadoop i en organisation

Berggren Jonas, Bohlin Gustav, Pihlquist Marcus
publication type: Studentuppsats (Examensarbete)

Engines of creationism? Intelligent design, machine metaphors and visual rhetoric

Höst Gunnar E., Bohlin Gustav
doi: 10.1162/LEON_a_00905
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology
volume: 48 issue: 1 starpage: 80 endpage: 81

Evolutionary Explanations for Antibiotic Resistance in Daily Press, Online Websites and Biology Textbooks in Sweden

Bohlin Gustav, Höst Gunnar E.
doi: 10.1080/21548455.2014.978411
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Science Education, Part B Communication and Public Engagement
volume: 5 issue: 4 starpage: 319 endpage: 338

An explorative study of the Swedish Technology subject from the teacher’s perspective

Nordlöf Charlotta, Höst Gunnar E., Klasander Claes, Hallström Jonas
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: <em>PATT 29 Plurality and Complementarity of Approaches in Design &amp; Technology Education, Marseille, France, April 2015</em>
publisher: Presses Universitaires de Provence starpage: 313 endpage: 321

Measuring understanding of nanoscience and nanotechnology: development and validation of the nano-knowledge instrument (NanoKI)

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1039/C4RP00241E
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Chemistry Education Research and Practice
volume: 16 issue: 2 starpage: 346 endpage: 354

Engines of creationism? Intelligent design, machine metaphors and visual rhetoric

Höst Gunnar E., Bohlin Gustav
doi: 10.1162/LEON_a_00905
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Leonardo: Journal of the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology
volume: 48 issue: 1 starpage: 80 endpage: 81

Evolutionary Explanations for Antibiotic Resistance in Daily Press, Online Websites and Biology Textbooks in Sweden

Bohlin Gustav, Höst Gunnar E.
doi: 10.1080/21548455.2014.978411
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Science Education, Part B Communication and Public Engagement
volume: 5 issue: 4 starpage: 319 endpage: 338

Evolution on the set – A conceptual characterization of online dynamic visualizations.

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Nationella forskarskolan i naturvetenskapernas, matematikens och teknikens didaktik : Lärarlyftet 1 – LicFontD1

Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Resultatdialog 2014
publisher: Vetenskapsrådet starpage: 210 endpage: 217

Att se det osynliga : Visualiseringar som meningsskapande verktyg för kommunikation av molekylär livsvetenskap

Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Resultatdialog 2014
publisher: Vetenskapsrådet starpage: 202 endpage: 209

An interactive visualization for communicating troublesome concepts of natural selection

Göransson Andreas, Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

An interactive visualization for communicating troublesome concepts of natural selection.

Göransson Andreas, Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Evolution on the set – A conceptual characterization of online dynamic visualizations.

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Integrering av naturvetenskapliga och estetiska ämnesområden i förskolelärarutbildningen vid Örebro Universitet

Stenlund Jörgen, Bergfeldt Barbro
publication type: Konferensbidrag

An interactive visualization for communicating troublesome concepts of natural selection

Göransson Andreas, Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

An interactive visualization for communicating troublesome concepts of natural selection.

Göransson Andreas, Stenlund Jörgen, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Nationella forskarskolan i naturvetenskapernas, matematikens och teknikens didaktik : Lärarlyftet 1 – LicFontD1

Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Resultatdialog 2014
publisher: Vetenskapsrådet starpage: 210 endpage: 217

Att se det osynliga : Visualiseringar som meningsskapande verktyg för kommunikation av molekylär livsvetenskap

Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Resultatdialog 2014
publisher: Vetenskapsrådet starpage: 202 endpage: 209

Värmekameror gör det osynliga synligt

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Hedberg David, Xie Charles, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Venue
volume: issue: starpage: endpage:

Development of an Interactive Immersion Environment for Engendering Understanding about Nanotechnology : Concept, Construction, and Implementation

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Flint Jennifer
doi: 10.4018/ijvple.2014040104
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments
volume: 5 issue: 2 starpage: 40 endpage: 56

Thermal imaging supports the learning and teaching of thermodynamics

Haglund Jesper, Jeppsson Fredrik, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Konferensbidrag

An Analysis of the Influence of a Pseudo-haptic Cue on the Haptic Perception of Weight

Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Johansson Daniel, Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-44193-0_16
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications : 9th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2014, Versailles, France, June 24-26, 2014, Proceedings, Part I
publisher: Springer starpage: 117 endpage: 125

Investigating an Immersive Virtual Nanoscience Simulation for Learning: Students' Interaction, Understanding, Attitudes and System Usability

Flint Jennifer, Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: AERA Online Paper Repository, 2014

Pupils' early explorations of thermoimaging to interpret heat and temperature

Schönborn Konrad, Haglund Jesper, Xie Charles
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Baltic Science Education
volume: 13 issue: 1 starpage: 118 endpage: 132

Computational model for morality and emotions in EmoBN (Beräkningsmodell för moral och emotioner i EmoBN)

Fröcklin Henry
publication type: Studentuppsats (Examensarbete)

Evolution on the set – A conceptual characterization of online dynamic visualizations.

Bohlin Gustav, Göransson Andreas C., Tibell Lena A. E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Is it my responsibility or theirs? Risk communication about antibiotic resistance in the Swedish daily press

Bohlin Gustav, Höst Gunnar E.
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Science Communication
volume: 13 issue: 3:A02 starpage: endpage:

Att se det osynliga : Visualiseringar som meningsskapande verktyg för kommunikation av molekylär livsvetenskap

Tibell Lena, Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Resultatdialog 2014
publisher: Vetenskapsrådet starpage: 202 endpage: 209

Development of an Interactive Immersion Environment for Engendering Understanding about Nanotechnology : Concept, Construction, and Implementation

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Flint Jennifer
doi: 10.4018/ijvple.2014040104
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments
volume: 5 issue: 2 starpage: 40 endpage: 56

An Analysis of the Influence of a Pseudo-haptic Cue on the Haptic Perception of Weight

Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Johansson Daniel, Höst Gunnar, Schönborn Konrad
doi: 10.1007/978-3-662-44193-0_16
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Haptics: Neuroscience, Devices, Modeling, and Applications : 9th International Conference, EuroHaptics 2014, Versailles, France, June 24-26, 2014, Proceedings, Part I
publisher: Springer starpage: 117 endpage: 125

Investigating an Immersive Virtual Nanoscience Simulation for Learning: Students' Interaction, Understanding, Attitudes and System Usability

Flint Jennifer, Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: AERA Online Paper Repository, 2014

Is it my responsibility or theirs? Risk communication about antibiotic resistance in the Swedish daily press

Bohlin Gustav, Höst Gunnar E.
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Science Communication
volume: 13 issue: 3:A02 starpage: endpage:

Condition-related knowledge among children and adolescents with spina bifida in a Swedish county

Strömfors Lina, Falk Lars, Wilhelmsson Susan, Höst Gunnar E.
doi: 10.1080/15017419.2012.735202
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research
volume: 16 issue: 2 starpage: 127 endpage: 140

Children's reasoning and representations about living and non-living things

Andersson Johanna, Tibell Lena A.E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Student Learning about Biomolecular Self-Assembly Using Two Different External Representations

Höst Gunnar E., Larsson Caroline, Olson Arthur, Tibell Lena A. E.
doi: 10.1187/cbe.13-01-0011
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: CBE - Life Sciences Education
volume: 12 issue: 3 starpage: 471 endpage: 482

Developing an Interactive Virtual Environment for Engendering Public Understanding About Nanotechnology: From Concept to Construction

Schönborn Konrad, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Höst Gunnar, Flint Jennifer
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: AERA Online Paper Repository

A Case-Based Study of Students' Visuohaptic Experiences of Electric Fields around Molecules : Shaping the Development of Virtual Nanoscience Learning Environments

Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1155/2013/194363
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Education Research International
volume: 2013 issue: starpage: endpage:

Identifying and Developing Students' Ability to Reason with Concepts and Representations in Biology

Anderson Trevor, Schönborn Konrad, du Plessis Lynn, Gupthar Abindra, Hull Tracy
doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-4192-8_2
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Multiple Representations in Biological Education
publisher: Springer Science+Business Media B.V.

Experts' Views on Translation Across Multiple External Representations in Acquiring Biological Knowledge About Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution

Schönborn Konrad, Bögeholz Susanne
doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-4192-8_7
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Multiple Representations in Biological Education
publisher: Springer Science+Business Media B.V. starpage: 111 endpage: 128

Student Learning about Biomolecular Self-Assembly Using Two Different External Representations

Höst Gunnar E., Larsson Caroline, Olson Arthur, Tibell Lena A. E.
doi: 10.1187/cbe.13-01-0011
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: CBE - Life Sciences Education
volume: 12 issue: 3 starpage: 471 endpage: 482

Developing an Interactive Virtual Environment for Engendering Public Understanding About Nanotechnology: From Concept to Construction

Schönborn Konrad, Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Höst Gunnar, Flint Jennifer
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: AERA Online Paper Repository

A Case-Based Study of Students' Visuohaptic Experiences of Electric Fields around Molecules : Shaping the Development of Virtual Nanoscience Learning Environments

Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1155/2013/194363
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Education Research International
volume: 2013 issue: starpage: endpage:

Ideas about the human body among secondary students in South Africa and Sweden

Granklint Enochson Pernilla, Redfors Andreas, Dempster Edith, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Science &amp; technology education for development, citizenship and social justice : IOSTE XV, Tunisia 2012
publisher: International Organization for Science and Technology Education

Ideas about the human body among secondary students in South Africa and Sweden

Granklint Enochson Pernilla, Redfors Andreas, Dempster Edith, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Science &amp; technology education for development, citizenship and social justice : IOSTE XV, Tunisia 2012
publisher: International Organization for Science and Technology Education

Students' Communicative Resources in Relation to Their Conceptual Understanding : The Role of Non-Conventionalized Expressions in Making Sense of Visualizations of Protein Function

Rundgren Carl-Johan, Hirsch Richard, Rundgren Shu-Nu Chang, Tibell Lena A. E.
doi: 10.1007/s11165-011-9229-2
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in science education
volume: 42 issue: 5 starpage: 891 endpage: 913

Exploring childrens' views of what's inside the body

Andersson Johanna, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Ideas about the human body among secondary students in South Africa and Sweden

Granklint Enochson Pernilla, Redfors Andreas, Dempster Edith, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Science &amp; technology education for development, citizenship and social justice : IOSTE XV, Tunisia 2012
publisher: International Organization for Science and Technology Education

Learning Goals and Conceptual Difficulties in Cell Metabolism : An explorative study of university lectures' views

Stadig Degerman Mari, Tibell Lena A. E.
doi: 10.1039/C2RP20035J
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Chemistry Education Research and Practice
volume: 13 issue: 4 starpage: 447 endpage: 461

Skola och naturvetenskap : politik, praktik, problematik i belysning av ämnesdidaktisk forskning

Strömdahl Helge, Tibell Lena
publication type: Samlingsverk (redaktörskap)

Tecken i tiden : utmaningar och inriktningar

Strömdahl Helge, Tibell Lena
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: Skola och naturvetenskap : politik, praktik, problematik i ämnesdidaktisk belysning
publisher: Studentlitteratur starpage: 327 endpage: 331

Att inSe - Om visualisering i biologiundervisningen

Tibell Lena, Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Bohlin Gustav
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Bi-lagan
volume: issue: 3 starpage: 12 endpage: 17

Learning Goals and Conceptual Difficulties in Cell Metabolism : An explorative study of university lectures' views

Stadig Degerman Mari, Tibell Lena A. E.
doi: 10.1039/c2rp20035j
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Chemistry Education Research and Practice
volume: 13 issue: 4 starpage: 447 endpage: 461

Students’ Communicative Resources in Relation to Their Conceptual Understanding—The Role of Non-Conventionalized Expressions in Making Sense of Visualizations of Protein Function

Rundgren Carl-Johan, Hirsch Richard, Chang Rundgren Shu-Nu, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s11165-011-9229-2
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in science education
volume: 42 issue: 5 starpage: 891 endpage: 913

Students' Communicative Resources in Relation to Their Conceptual Understanding - The Role of Non-Conventionalized Expressions in Making Sense of Visualizations of Protein Function :  

Rundgren Carl-Johan
doi: 10.1007/s11165-011-9229-2
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Research in science education
volume: 42 issue: 5 starpage: 891 endpage: 913

Disparity in practice : diverse strategies among teachers implementing interactive whiteboards into teaching practice in two Swedish primary school

Sundberg Bodil, Spante Maria, Stenlund Jörgen
doi: 10.1080/17439884.2011.586352
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Learning, Media & Technology
volume: 37 issue: 3 starpage: 253 endpage: 270

Att inSe - Om visualisering i biologiundervisningen

Tibell Lena, Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Bohlin Gustav
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Bi-lagan
volume: issue: 3 starpage: 12 endpage: 17

Students' Use of Three Different Visual Representations To Interpret Whether Molecules Are Polar or Nonpolar

Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1021/ed2001895
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Chemical Education
volume: 89 issue: 12 starpage: 1499 endpage: 1505

An Interactive and Multi-sensory Learning Environment for Nano Education

Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-32796-4_9
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Haptic and Audio Interaction Design : 7th International Conference, HAID 2012, Lund, Sweden, August 23-24, 2012. Proceedings
publisher: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg starpage: 81 endpage: 90

Att inSe - Om visualisering i biologiundervisningen

Tibell Lena, Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Bohlin Gustav
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Bi-lagan
volume: issue: 3 starpage: 12 endpage: 17

Evaluating Swedish newspapers’ communication on the scientific background to antibiotic resistance.

Bohlin Gustav
publication type: Konferensbidrag

When there are no eyewitnesses - visual rhetoric in pseudoscientific representations of molecular phenomena

Höst Gunnar E., Bohlin Gustav
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Att inSe - Om visualisering i biologiundervisningen

Tibell Lena, Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Bohlin Gustav
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Bi-lagan
volume: issue: 3 starpage: 12 endpage: 17

When there are no eyewitnesses - visual rhetoric in pseudoscientific representations of molecular phenomena

Höst Gunnar E., Bohlin Gustav
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Students' Use of Three Different Visual Representations To Interpret Whether Molecules Are Polar or Nonpolar

Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1021/ed2001895
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Chemical Education
volume: 89 issue: 12 starpage: 1499 endpage: 1505

An Interactive and Multi-sensory Learning Environment for Nano Education

Lundin Palmerius Karljohan, Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-32796-4_9
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Haptic and Audio Interaction Design : 7th International Conference, HAID 2012, Lund, Sweden, August 23-24, 2012. Proceedings
publisher: Springer Berlin/Heidelberg starpage: 81 endpage: 90

Exploring relationships between students’ interaction and learning with a haptic virtual biomolecular model

Schönborn Konrad, Bivall Petter, Tibell Lena
publication type: Dataset

Aesthetics and nanostructure

Akner-Koler Cheryl
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Innovation
volume: issue: 6 starpage: 97 endpage: 97

Critical aspects and how students concretize their molecular understanding : benefits and potential pitfalls with an animation

Stadig Degerman Mari, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Aesthetics and nanostructure

Akner-Kohler Cheryl, Tibell Lena
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Innovation
volume: issue: starpage: 97 endpage: 99

Using a teaching-learning sequence (TLS), based on a physical model, to develop students' understanding of self-assembly

Larsson Caroline, Höst Gunnar E., Anderson Trevor, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Authenticity in Biology Education : Benefits and Challenges
publisher: CIEC, Universidade do Minho starpage: 67 endpage: 77

Aesthetics and nanostructure

Akner-Koler Cheryl
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Innovation
volume: issue: 6 starpage: 97 endpage: 97

Exploring how a physical model can support students’ understanding of random molecular processes

Larsson Caroline, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Critical aspects and how students concretize their molecular understanding : benefits and potential pitfalls with an animation

Stadig Degerman Mari, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Exploring relationships between students’ interaction and learning with a haptic virtual biomolecular model

Schönborn Konrad J., Bivall Petter, Tibell Lena A. E.
doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2011.05.013
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Computers and education
volume: 57 issue: 3 starpage: 2095 endpage: 2105

Do Haptic Representations Help Complex Molecular Learning?

Bivall Petter, Ainsworth Shaaron, Tibell Lena A. E.
doi: 10.1002/sce.20439
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Science Education
volume: 95 issue: 4 starpage: 700 endpage: 719

Production and characterization of a monomeric form and a single-site form of <em>Aleuria aurantia</em> lectin

Olausson Johan, Jonsson Bengt-Harald, Tibell Lena, Påhlsson Peter
doi: 10.1093/glycob/cwq129
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Glycobiology
volume: 21 issue: 1 starpage: 34 endpage: 44

Exploring relationships between students’ interaction and learning with a haptic virtual biomolecular model

Schönborn Konrad, Bivall Petter, Tibell Lena
publication type: Dataset

Studenters bedömning av kemisk polaritet : En utvärdering av två konventionella och en ny visuell representationsform

Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Nordiskt forskarsymposium om undervisning i naturvetenskap : naturvetenskap som kunskap och kultur : 14 - 16 juni 2011 i Linköping
publisher: Linköpings universitet starpage: 18 endpage:

Exploring relationships between students’ interaction and learning with a haptic virtual biomolecular model

Schönborn Konrad J., Bivall Petter, Tibell Lena A. E.
doi: 10.1016/j.compedu.2011.05.013
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Computers and education
volume: 57 issue: 3 starpage: 2095 endpage: 2105

Studenters bedömning av kemisk polaritet : En utvärdering av två konventionella och en ny visuell representationsform

Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Nordiskt forskarsymposium om undervisning i naturvetenskap : naturvetenskap som kunskap och kultur : 14 - 16 juni 2011 i Linköping
publisher: Linköpings universitet starpage: 18 endpage:

Using a teaching-learning sequence (TLS), based on a physical model, to develop students' understanding of self-assembly

Larsson Caroline, Höst Gunnar E., Anderson Trevor, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Authenticity in Biology Education : Benefits and Challenges
publisher: CIEC, Universidade do Minho starpage: 67 endpage: 77

Help-words – a Creative Way of Making Sense of visualizations in molecular life science<em></em>

Rundgren Carl-Johan, Hirsch Richard, Tibell Lena A. E., Chang Rundgren Shu-Nu
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Students’ Use of Terms and Conceptual Understanding inMaking Meaning of Visualizations of Protein Function

Rundgren Carl-Johan, Hirsch Richard, Tibell Lena, Chang Rundgren Shu-Nu
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Students’ Use of Terms and Conceptual Understanding inMaking Meaning of Visualizations of Protein Function

Rundgren Carl-Johan, Hirsch Richard, Tibell Lena, Chang Rundgren Shu-Nu
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Help-words – a Creative Way of Making Sense of visualizations in molecular life science<em></em>

Rundgren Carl-Johan, Hirsch Richard, Tibell Lena A. E., Chang Rundgren Shu-Nu
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Methods for investigating students’ learning and interaction with a haptic virtual biomolecular model

Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Bivall Persson Petter, Tibell Lena A.E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Contemporary Science Education Research: International Perspectives
publisher: Pegem Akademi starpage: 115 endpage: 121

Educational Challenges of Molecular Life Science- Characteristics and implications for education and research

Tibell Lena A. E., Rundgren Carl-Johan A.
doi: 10.1187/cbe.08-09-0055
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: CBE - Life Sciences Education
volume: 9 issue: 1 starpage: 25 endpage: 33

Critical Features of Visualizations of Transport through the Cell Membrane : An Empirical Study of Upper Secondary and Tertiary Students' Meaning-Making of a Still Image and an Animation

Rundgren Carl-Johan A., Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1007/s10763-009-9171-1
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
volume: 8 issue: 2 starpage: 223 endpage: 246

Students’ conceptions of water transport

Rundgren Carl-Johan, Chang Rundgren Shu-Nu, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: 44 issue: 3 starpage: 129 endpage: 135

Visualizing the Positive−Negative Interface of Molecular Electrostatic Potentials as an Educational Tool for Assigning Chemical Polarity

Schönborn Konrad J., Höst Gunnar E., Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1021/ed100417c
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Chemical Education
volume: 87 issue: 12 starpage: 1342 endpage: 1343

Bridging the Educational Research-Teaching Practice Gap: Foundations for assessing and developing biochemistry students’ visual literacy

Schönborn Konrad J., Anderson Trevor R.
doi: 10.1002/bmb.20436
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Biochemistry and molecular biology education
volume: 38 issue: 5 starpage: 347 endpage: 354

Investigating the effectiveness and efficiency of three visual representational systems for assigning chemical polarity

Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Palmerius Karljohan L.
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Proceedings of EDULEARN10 : International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
publisher: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) starpage: 941 endpage: 947

Exploring students’ interpretation of electric fields around molecules using a haptic virtual model: An evolving study

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Palmerius Karljohan
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
publisher: University of KwaZulu-Natal starpage: 242 endpage: 248

Students’ conceptions of water transport

Rundgren Carl-Johan, Chang Rundgren Shu-Nu, Schönborn Konrad
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Biological Education
volume: 44 issue: 3 starpage: 129 endpage: 135

Methods for investigating students’ learning and interaction with a haptic virtual biomolecular model

Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Bivall Persson Petter, Tibell Lena A.E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Contemporary Science Education Research: International Perspectives
publisher: Pegem Akademi starpage: 115 endpage: 121

Visualizing the Positive−Negative Interface of Molecular Electrostatic Potentials as an Educational Tool for Assigning Chemical Polarity

Schönborn Konrad J., Höst Gunnar E., Lundin Palmerius Karljohan
doi: 10.1021/ed100417c
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Chemical Education
volume: 87 issue: 12 starpage: 1342 endpage: 1343

Investigating the effectiveness and efficiency of three visual representational systems for assigning chemical polarity

Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Palmerius Karljohan L.
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Proceedings of EDULEARN10 : International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
publisher: International Association of Technology, Education and Development (IATED) starpage: 941 endpage: 947

Exploring students’ interpretation of electric fields around molecules using a haptic virtual model: An evolving study

Schönborn Konrad, Höst Gunnar, Palmerius Karljohan
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Proceedings of the 18th Annual Meeting of the Southern African Association for Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education
publisher: University of KwaZulu-Natal starpage: 242 endpage: 248

Methods for investigating students’ learning and interaction with a haptic virtual biomolecular model

Höst Gunnar E., Schönborn Konrad J., Bivall Persson Petter, Tibell Lena A.E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Contemporary Science Education Research: International Perspectives
publisher: Pegem Akademi starpage: 115 endpage: 121

Using a Dynamic Physical Model to help Students Visualize the Process of Self-assembly

Larsson Caroline, Höst Gunnar, Olson Arthur, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Thermodynamic Characterization of the Interaction between the C-Terminal Domain of Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase and Heparin by Isothermal Titration Calorimetry

Ahl Ing-Marie, Jonsson Bengt-Harald, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1021/bi900981k
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
volume: 48 issue: 41 starpage: 9932 endpage: 9940

Improved Feature Detection over Large Force Ranges Using History Dependent Transfer Functions

Bivall Persson Petter, Höst Gunnar E., Cooper Matthew D., Tibell Lena A. E., Ynnerman Anders
doi: 10.1109/WHC.2009.4810843
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Third Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, WorldHaptics 2009
publisher: IEEE starpage: 476 endpage: 481

The ALS-Associated Mutation G93A in Human Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase Selectively Destabilizes the Remote Metal Binding Region

Museth Anna Katrine, Brorsson Ann-Christin, Lundqvist Martin, Tibell Lena, Jonsson Bengt-Harald
doi: 10.1021/bi900703v
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
volume: 48 issue: 37 starpage: 8817 endpage: 8829

Death of Metaphors in Life Science? : A study of upper secondary and tertiary students' use of metaphors and help-words in their meaning-making of scientific content.

Rundgren Carl-Johan, Hirsch Richard, Tibell Lena A.E.
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching
volume: 10 issue: 3 starpage: Article 3 endpage:

Gruppens finger : Interaktiva vita tavlor i interaktiv undervisning - en fallstudie

Stenlund Jörgen
publication type: Studentuppsats (Examensarbete)

Towards identifying and measuring visual literacy skills in biochemistry

Mnguni Lindelani, Schönborn Konrad, Anderson Trevor
publication type: Kapitel i bok, del av antologi
hostpublication: The Nature of Research in Biological Education: Old and New Perspectives on Theoretical and Methodological Issues : A selection of papers presented at the VIIth Conference of European Researchers in Didactics of Biology (ERIDOB)
publisher: CDBeta Press starpage: 185 endpage: 198

Knowledge transfer in biology and translation across external representations: Experts' views and challenges for learning

Schönborn Konrad, Bögeholz Susanne
doi: 10.1007/s10763-009-9153-3
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education
volume: 7 issue: 5 starpage: 931 endpage: 955

Arvstvisten : om hur DNA-molekylen blev accepterad som bärare av genetisk information i Sverige och om ett uteblivet Nobelpris

Bohlin Gustav
publication type: Bok

Using a Dynamic Physical Model to help Students Visualize the Process of Self-assembly

Larsson Caroline, Höst Gunnar, Olson Arthur, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Att se och ta på det som inte syns eller känns

Höst Gunnar E.
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings
publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press, Linköpings universitet

Improved Feature Detection over Large Force Ranges Using History Dependent Transfer Functions

Bivall Persson Petter, Höst Gunnar E., Cooper Matthew D., Tibell Lena A. E., Ynnerman Anders
doi: 10.1109/WHC.2009.4810843
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Third Joint Eurohaptics Conference and Symposium on Haptic Interfaces for Virtual Environments and Teleoperator Systems, WorldHaptics 2009
publisher: IEEE starpage: 476 endpage: 481

Critical Features in Visualization of Protein Function. : An Empirical Study of Student´s Meaning-Making of Diagrams and an Animation.

Rundgren Carl-Johan, Tibell Lena A E
publication type: Proceedings (redaktörskap)

Haptic Influences on Reasoning and Learning in Protein Education

Tibell Lena A.E., Ainsworth Shaaaron, Bivall Persson Petter, Höst Gunnar
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education : Planning science instruction: From insight to learning to pedagogical practices. Theme 4: Pedagogical practices
publisher: Science Education Research Group, School of Education, University of Iceland starpage: 165 endpage: 168

Detection of a high affinity binding site in recombinantAleuria aurantia lectin

Olausson Johan, Jonsson Bengt-Harald, Tibell Lena, Påhlsson Peter
doi: 10.1007/s10719-008-9135-7
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Glycoconjugate Journal
volume: 25 issue: 8 starpage: 753 endpage: 762

Bridging the Educational Research-Teaching Practice Gap - Conceptual understanding, Part 2 : Assessing and developing student knowledge

Schönborn Konrad, Anderson Trevor
doi: 10.1002/bmb.20230
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Biochemistry and molecular biology education
volume: 36 issue: 5 starpage: 372 endpage: 379

Haptic Influences on Reasoning and Learning in Protein Education

Tibell Lena A.E., Ainsworth Shaaaron, Bivall Persson Petter, Höst Gunnar
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Research Symposium on Science Education : Planning science instruction: From insight to learning to pedagogical practices. Theme 4: Pedagogical practices
publisher: Science Education Research Group, School of Education, University of Iceland starpage: 165 endpage: 168

Converting human carbonic anhydrase II into a benzoate ester hydrolase through rational redesign

Höst Gunnar, Jonsson Bengt-Harald
doi: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2008.02.007
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta
volume: 1784 issue: 5 starpage: 811 endpage: 815

University Teachers View about Learning Metabolism - What are the core knowledge and which are the Students' Difficulties?

Stadig Degerman Mari, Tibell Lena, Bernhard Jonte
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Visuella och haptiska modeller för underlättad förståelse för molekylers struktur och interaktioner

Bivall Persson Petter, Cooper Matthew, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: 10:e Universitetspedagogiska konferensen vid Linköpings universitet : Pedagogiska utmaningar i tiden
publisher: starpage: 43 endpage: 47

Designing and Evaluating a Haptic System for Biomolecular Education

Bivall Persson Petter, Cooper Matthew, Tibell Lena, Ainsworth Shaaron, Ynnerman Anders, Jonsson Bengt-Harald
doi: 10.1109/VR.2007.352478
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 2007. VR '07.
publisher: IEEE starpage: 171 endpage: 178

Use of Chemical Force Feedback for Multisensory Insights into Ligand Docking

Bivall Persson Petter, Cooper Matthew, Ynnerman Anders, Jonsson Bengt-Harald, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: VII European Symposium of The Protein Society : From Proteins to Proteome
publisher: starpage: 151 endpage: 151

Reasoning through Touch? Using Haptics in Life Science Education

Bivall Persson Petter, Tibell Lena, Cooper Matthew D., Ainsworth Shaaron
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: EARLI 2007 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction

University Teachers View about Learning Metabolism - What are the core knowledge and which are the Students' Difficulties?

Stadig Degerman Mari, Tibell Lena, Bernhard Jonte
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: ESERA,2007

Experience the Aperceptual through Virtual Reality! Tactile and Visual VR Representations as Cognitive Tools in Molecular Life Science

Tibell Lena, Bivall Persson Petter, Cooper Matthew, Ynnerman Anders, Jonsson Bengt-Harald
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: ESERA 2007

Engineering carbonic anhydrase for highly selective ester hydrolysis

Höst Gunnar
publication type: Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning

Combined Enzyme and Substrate Design : Grafting of a Cooperative Two-Histidine Catalytic Motif into a Protein Targeted at the Scissile Bond in a Designed Ester Substrate

Höst Gunnar, Razkin Jesus, Baltzer Lars, Jonsson Bengt-Harald
doi: 10.1002/cbic.200600540
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: ChemBioChem (Print)
volume: 8 issue: 13 starpage: 1570 endpage: 1576

Combined Enzyme and Substrate Design : Grafting of a cooperative two-histidine catalytic motif into a protein targeted at the scissile bond in a designed ester substrate

Baltzer Lars
doi: 10.1002/cbic.200600540
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: ChemBioChem (Print)
volume: 8 issue: 13 starpage: 1570 endpage: 1576

To design a novel protein : A CDIO experience in Molecular Biotechnology at Linköping University

Carlsson Uno, Magnusson Thomas, Mårtensson Lars-Göran, Sunnerhagen Maria, Svensson Magdalena, Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag

Using Force Feedback Virtual Reality Technology as a Tactile Gateway to Understanding of Biomolecular Interactions

Bivall Persson Petter, Tibell Lena, Cooper Matthew
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: 9th JURE conference of EARLI

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Haptic Visualization in Biomolecular Education - Feeling Molecular Specificity in a Docking Task

Bivall Persson Petter, Tibell Lena, Cooper Matthew, Ynnerman Anders, Jonsson Bengt-Harald
publication type: Konferensbidrag
hostpublication: 12th IOSTE Symposium
publisher: Universiti Science Malaysia starpage: 745 endpage: 752

Redesign of human carbonic anhydrase II for increased esterase activity and specificity towards esters with long acyl chains

Höst Gunnar, Mårtensson Lars-Göran, Jonsson Bengt-Harald
doi: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2006.07.010
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins & Proteomics
volume: 1764 issue: 10 starpage: 1601 endpage: 1606

Utvärdering av lärarutbildningens studieväg i naturvetenskap (HT04/VT05)

Björn, Tibell Lena
publication type: Rapport

Boosting complex learning by strategic assessment and course design

Tibell Lena
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Chemical Education
volume: 82 issue: 4 starpage: 645 endpage: 651

Boosting complex learning by strategic assessment and course design

Bergendahl Christina, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1021/ed082p645
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Journal of Chemical Education
volume: 82 issue: 4 starpage: 645 endpage: 651

Coexpression of yeast copper chaperone (yCCS) and CuZn-superoxide dismutases in Escherichia coli yields protein with high copper contents

Ahl Ing-Marie, Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1016/j.pep.2004.06.006
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Protein Expression and Purification
volume: 37 issue: 2 starpage: 311 endpage: 319

Coexpression of yeast copper chaperone (yCCS) and CuZn-superoxide dismutases in Escherichia coli yields protein with high copper contents

Lindberg Mikael J
doi: 10.1016/j.pep.2004.06.006
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Protein Expression and Purification
volume: 37 issue: 2 starpage: 311 endpage: 9

Boosting complex learning by strategic assessment and course design

Bergendahl Christina
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Faseb Journal
volume: 18 issue: 8 starpage: C206 endpage: C207

Benefiting from an open-ended experiment? A comparison of attitudes to, and outcomes of, an expository versus an open-inquiry version of the same experiment

Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1080/09500690210145738
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Science Education
volume: 25 issue: 3 starpage: 351 endpage: 372

Benefiting from an open-ended experiment? A comparison of attitudes to, and outcomes of, an expository versus an open-inquiry version of the same experiment

Berg Anders, Bergendahl Christina, Lundberg Bruno, Tibell Lena
doi: doi:10.1080/09500690210145738
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: International Journal of Science Education
volume: 25 issue: 3 starpage: 351 endpage: 72

Commmon denominator of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase mutants associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis : Decreased stability of the apo state

Tibell Lena
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
volume: 99 issue: starpage: 16607 endpage: 16612

Structural requirements for high-affinity heparin binding : Alanine scanning analysis of charged residues in the C-terminal domain of human extracellular superoxide dismutase

Tibell Lena
doi: 10.1021/bi011454r
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Biochemistry
volume: 41 issue: 9 starpage: 3168 endpage: 3175

Common denominator of Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase mutants associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: Decreased stability of the apo state

Lindberg Mikael J, Tibell Lena, Oliveberg Mikael
doi: doi:10.1073/pnas.262527099
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: PNAS
volume: 99 issue: 26 starpage: 16607 endpage: 12

Structural requirements for high affinity heparin binding : alanine scanning analysis of charged residues in the C-terminal domain of human extracellular superoxide dismutase

Tibell Lena
publication type: Konferensbidrag
journal: Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry
volume: 86 issue: 1 starpage: 106 endpage: 106

Characterization of the Heparin Binding of Human Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase

Tibell Lena, Lookene Aivar, Stenlund Peter
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Biochemistry
volume: 39 issue: starpage: 230 endpage: 236

Characterization of Heparin Binding of Human Extracellular Superoxide Dismutase

Stenlund Peter, Tibell Lena A E
doi: doi:10.1021/bi991512x
publication type: Artikel i tidskrift
journal: Biochemistry
volume: 39 issue: 1 starpage: 230 endpage: 6

Studies of native and Cd(II)-substituted carbonic anhydrases with special reference to their interaction with inhibitors

Tibell Lena
publication type: Doktorsavhandling, sammanläggning